Tea Seeds
Tea Seeds
Tea Seeds
Tea Seeds
Tea Seeds
Tea Seeds
Tea Seeds

Tea Seeds

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2024 Winter-harvested Bi-clonal and Keemum Tea Seeds. 

These are premium seeds that were sourced from Nepal. These seeds are what we use for our internationally awarded teas. Get the same genetics that we use. This is a rare opportunity. 

All seeds met USDA import standards, were imported through USDA/APHIS with proper licensing, and carried a phytosanitary certificate not to contain insects or pathogens. 

Bi-clonal seeds are force-crossed (not open-pollinated) to reduce variability and to help predict growing patterns more accurately. 

EV01- Good standard Northern Indian Mountain variety, above avg yield, high quality, cold tolerance good

BC01- Small leaf, uniform growth, yield above avg, quality good, drought tolerance good, cold tolerance medium

BC03- Medium leaf, uniform vigorous growth, yield high, quality above avg, drought tolerance medium, cold tolerance medium

BC04-Medium leaf, uniform vigorous growth, yield very high, quality above avg, drought tolerance fair, cold tolerance medium

BC11- Medium leaf, medium growth, yield high, quality very good, drought tolerance high, cold tolerance high

Keemum- This cultivar produces short, uniformly shaped leaves. The ideal plucking for a fine Keemun depends on the growing season and the state of the leaves, but it typically calls for one tender bud of new growth and two to four mature leaves. The leaves must be roughly the same size as each other with strong color and luster. The most prized, highest grade Keemun traditionally begins with leaves that are expertly hand selected to ensure the overall quality of the tea. However, technological advancements have led to more and more tea being safely and carefully harvested by machine and then hand sorted.

Tea seeds can be stored for up to two years if kept below 50F and moisture controlled. We have kept some as long as 3 years here on the farm with less than a 15% loss of viability. We recommend storing them at 46F in a wine chiller. 

Plant when the soil temperature is above 50F.


This is not a seed sale, this is a shared order with overstock seeds from a farm order of ours this season.