We offer Mississippi Belle Oolong and Mississippi Empress Oolong in our online farm store each year. Oolong teas are rare in the US and usually made in Southern China and Taiwan. It requires a UV process to achieve the right flavor. But we found we can use technology to duplicate the UV process right here in Mississippi and still achieve the great Oolong flavor. Thus, allowing us to make this great tea closer to home.
So what is the difference between the two Oolong teas?
Mississippi Belle Oolong tea is made all season long. We have a particular plant that is needed for this tea. It has a more robust flavor. A smooth buttery mouthfeel. It has flavor notes of sugar snap peas, jasmine and brown sugar. It is similar to a tie guan yin. This tea is great brewed Western Style* but you can also brew it Gaiwan style and still achieve great flavor.
Mississippi Empress Oolong tea we only make at the end of the year and only available until it is sold out. This is a much milder Oolong. It is normally made in Gaiwan Style for best brew. Western style can be done but Gaiwan is best.This tea has flavor notes of floral (jasmine and lilac), sweet green (watercress or green beans), and mineral with a buttery aftertaste.
* Western Style brewing just means how we would typically brew tea in the US. With a kettle and a cup.
That is the break down on the two great Oolong teas we sell here at the farm. Both teas are currently available in our farm store here.
Want to learn more on how we make Oolong?
You can visit our YouTube Channel to watch Timmy talk about the process and technology behind making Oolong tea at the farm. Make sure to Subscribe!
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