Find our US Grown Tea In North America

Where can you find our US grown tea, closer to home?

Here is a map of where you can find our US Grown tea outside of our website. As more and more of our US grown tea comes into fruition we continue to work to get our tea available to you, even closer to home. We are very pleased to be chosen to sit on retail shelves or online shelves at companies near you. A lot of these wonderful retail stores provide many other great shopping options so check them out.


Links to the retailers that carry a selection of our tea:

US Retailers

Canadian Retailers

And of course, you can always shop our own store online or arrange a to visit the farm store with an appointment by calling us at 601-823-4295.

Do you have a business? Consider why you should add our US grown loose leaf teas.

  • Freshest Tea - You are getting a tea that is considerably fresher than imported teas as the distance to travel is shorter.
  • Unique Flavor US Tea- The taste of tea from the US will not taste the same as a tea from another country or even another growing area in the US. Tea taste is impacted by it's growing conditions which vary from every plot of soil it is grown in.
  • Award Winning US Tea - We have invested in creating award winning teas. It starts with growing the best leaf. An immense amount of focus is put into the maintenance of our tea plants to create healthy plants. Then from there we have developed outstanding processing techniques that are both approved by USA health standards but also created to develop outstanding tea quality. No tea is released until it has been vigorously tested. Then over time we submit some of those teas for the ultimate adjudication and enter them for awards.
  • Tea with a story - Starting a tea company in the US was not easy. The US is not known for tea. We have overcome a lot to get to 40,000 tea plants and our story is one that you can share. We are proud to be a small business, to farm our own tea, to be LGBT members of the community, to hire local staff at fair wages and to grow sustainably.
  • Cocktails & Mocktails - There is a growing demand to add tea to cocktails and mocktails. Garden & Gun Magazine recently featured our Grilled Southern Peach tea in this outstanding cocktail recipe Potent Peach Tea. Or you can even try our tea in our own recipe with the Tropical Fruit Punch.

Here are some of our award winning US grown tea.

2022 - 13 Moons Oolong Tea 

2021 - Grilled Southern Peach, Mississippi Sunshine, GMTC Cookbook 

2018 - Delta Oolong 

2017 - Mississippi Queen 

2015 - Black Magnolia tea 

Who should consider offering US grown tea?

Just about any business could offer a US grown tea. But here are a few that stand out.

Gift shops - Our US grown tea makes a great unique purchase. A very special buy for those wishing to give a gift that was purchased and grown closer to home.

LGBT Small Business - If you own or operate an LGBT small business, by adding our loose leaf tea to your store or retail environment you are supporting our LGBT small business at the same time. Owners Jason & Timmy both are proudly LGBT community members.

Tea Shops  - If you are selling tea by the cup or by the bag, we can stand out in your shop for quality and being a product grown closer to home. Customers are looking for sustainable products and we offer that with less distance traveled. In addition our products are grown without any Pesticides or Fungicides.

Spa's, Offices etc - You don't have to sell the product to offer it! If you operate a business where you just need a great tea to serve to your customers, consider offering our tea. Show your customers that you are passionate about US grown products and quality by offering our tea.

Want to add our US grown tea to your store or business?

We would love to discuss wholesale options with you. We offer great rates for our tea for retailers. 

Give us a call at 601-823-4295 or email us at


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