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Find our US Grown Tea In North America

Where can you find our US grown tea, closer to home? Here is a map of where you can find our US Grown tea outside of our website. As more and more of our US grown tea comes into fruition we continue to work to get our tea available to you, even closer to home. We are very pleased to be chosen to sit on retail shelves or online shelves at companies near you. A lot of these wonderful retail stores provide many other great shopping options so check them out.   Links to the retailers that carry a selection of our tea: US Retailers LeNell's Inc, AL Althaea's Garden, CT Steep N' Clay, Elgin, IL Tea Workshop, IL Blue Truck...

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A tea plant with history.

There are so many great stories at the tea farm. Jason is sharing about one of the tea plants displayed at the front of the farm.   This tea plant was donated to the farm from a lovely person from Hattiesburg. It was shared that the plants were acquired from Lipton Tea which they brought over to the US after fearing tea imports could be impacted by overseas relations. It was the 50’s, a difficult time for some international relations and Lipton wanted to test out tea growing.   The research station closed down some years ago. But some of the plants still remain throughout Mississippi. The tea plant donation, allows us to preserve a bit of history in a...

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