This is actually a very complex question. You can find many web pages that list the answer but how they test really makes a difference in the truth behind the result. You need a level playing field to study this one properly. You can't test a tea product from Japan and a tea product from the US and expect to have accurate results. There are many things that impact caffeine levels in tea plants. 1. The type of tea plant (Sinensis vs Assamica). 2. When you harvest your tea. 3. Which leaves you harvest (mature or young). 4. Your growing conditions. 5. The Tea Processing. At the farm here, in order to say without a doubt which has more caffeine...
When you get a bottle of farm fresh honey, you are getting a bottle of tasty benefits with it. The benefits of honey: Relieving a cough Helping with seasonal allergies Improving memory Rich in antioxidants Promotes healing Anti Inflammatory Relieves gastrointestinal tract conditions Make sure it's real honey: Take the time to read the label on your honey or buy direct from a farmer. Many companies add corn syrup to their honey. Making it less about real honey and more about sugar. With our honey there is nothing added. It is pure honey, made only by bees. Does our honey have sugar in it? Yes, all honey has sugar in it. But there is less sugar than regular sweeteners and...
We can offer you a really unique and great experience by making The Great Mississippi Tea Company a destination to rest in your travels through the South. Stay beside the tea fields with great views of evening skies. Every stay includes a tour of the farm and a complimentary cup of tea delivered each morning by farmer and owner Timmy. We are happy to welcome your furry family members as well. Access is excellent, you can simply pull through and park in a roundabout. You will be located approximately 10 minutes from a Dollar General store or 20 minutes from the town of Brookhaven which has full services. Sit by the pond in the evening, sip a cup of quality...
How do we get Tea Blossom Honey? We get asked, "how do we know it is Tea Blossom Honey?" Although a honey bee can travel a fair distance for nectar sources, it is unlikely to, when a valuable nectar source is right outside their door. In the fall is when we harvest our Tea Blossom Honey. First, we change out the hive. At this time, all the usual Mississippi fall flowers have completed their bloom cycle.The Goldenrod has finished its blooms. But in our fields, where the bee hives are placed, are thousands of tea blossom blooms, covered in honey bees. The honey bees can be found all over the tea plants blossoming in abundance. The availability of thousands of...
We offer Mississippi Belle Oolong and Mississippi Empress Oolong in our online farm store each year. Oolong teas are rare in the US and usually made in Southern China and Taiwan. It requires a UV process to achieve the right flavor. But we found we can use technology to duplicate the UV process right here in Mississippi and still achieve the great Oolong flavor. Thus, allowing us to make this great tea closer to home. So what is the difference between the two Oolong teas? Mississippi Belle Oolong tea is made all season long. We have a particular plant that is needed for this tea. It has a more robust flavor. A smooth buttery mouthfeel. It has flavor notes of...