Cinnamon buns are an incredible and delicious treat known for its mixture of spice, sweetness and soft fluffy rolled up dough. Now, we take this favorite recipe and take it to a whole new level by adding in an extra boost of flavor with our Chai ground and mixed in. The result is even more flavorful than the original. We are not going to waste any time and provide you the recipe up front and all the commentary at the bottom. Scroll past the recipe for more links, information on Chai and more. Kitchen tools required for this recipe: Bowls, Measuring spoons and cups, 3 Quart baking pan (13x9), coffee grinder or something to grind your Chai tea into a...
We recently expanded the number of Tetraploid tea plants on the tea farm but it took some perseverance to get here. We have a section of tetraploid plants that never got planted because we ran out of plants 8 years ago. For our expansion, we needed cuttings and it couldn't just be filled with any old tea plant. We contracted someone 3 years in a row to root cuttings for us (not the same person each year). It was not able to come to fruition. We lost 6 years to that process. 2 years ago, we did our first batch of large scale cuttings ourselves and it was successful. We are putting them out this year and filling in a major...
Over 10 years ago we took a vacation to a tea farm and left asking, "could we grow tea?". We planted 6 tea plants by the house and said if we could get just one tea plant to live, we will give tea farming a go. Over half did not make it. We decided to follow through on growing tea, based on three living tea plants. We knew we didn't want to raise cattle which had been done on the family property in the past. We also considered tree farming but tea plants just seemed far more sustainable with the increasingly harsh weather. Tea plants can handle the Hurricane winds better than a Pine Tree. We would go on to plant 30,000...
Offer your customers a rare, quality tea, from the tea fields in Mississippi. We are now taking preorders for the wholesale purchase of our teas. This includes all of our teas* and tea blends. Give your customers access to a tea that you cannot just get anywhere. You can choose from any of our great tasting teas and tea blends, that are grown and processed right here in Mississippi. You can even offer our award winning Mississippi Sunshine and Grilled Southern Peach tea. Both are very popular teas. Why sell our tea? We are local to the USA. Many customers are looking to support businesses closer to home. You are supporting an LGBT owned small business. We farm sustainably. Our packaging may not...